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3301 S Rogers Ave., Ellicott City, MD 21043 • 410-461-5066
Turn between the blue mailbox and the guardrail and follow our lane to the end.
www.ourladyscenter.net • email@ourladyscenter.net


Mon-Fri, 12 pm-3 pm

Dear Beloved Patrons,

​Many of you have been checking in on us, and we want you to know that the Board, staff, volunteers and priests of OLC are all well. We are looking forward to the time when we will all be able to be together again. Although the Center itself must remain closed to admittance for the foreseeable future, please know that we are still here for you in spirit.
Also, after further clarification of Governor Hogan's directive by the Office of Legal Counsel, we are re-introducing Curbside Delivery! During this very difficult time of social distancing, we want to ensure that you still have access to our huge, beautiful selection of in-stock religious articles so that you can have your best Lent ever.

We are SO grateful that we can continue to be your local, trusted source for religious articles in these unsettling times. You can have peace of mind picking up your items directly from a known and trusted local source, without the concerns incurred by the more public avenues of online ordering, shipping and handling. And also, as we are a non-profit, you continue to support this most unique apostolate so we may keep going.

As always, you are welcome to spend some time in quiet prayer at our A-Frame grotto before the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary and to walk the beautiful Outside Stations of the Cross. Remember to practice the appropriate social distancing norms while doing so.

Also, please let us know if you need prayers or if there is any way we can help you. We will all get through these trying times together.

God bless you and keep you. We love you all!
Staff of OLC

How to Shop Curbside Delivery:
  1. Contact us
    Let us know what you need. We will let you know what we have. We can text or email photos to you, or bring items to the window while you wait in the car and tell you all about them over the phone.
    Store phone: 410-461-5066, 12-3 pm Mon-Fri.
    Cell phone: 240-581-8013
    Email: email@ourladyscenter.net
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ourladyscenter

  2. Place an order and make a payment by credit card over the phone.
    We will use meticulous care in sanitizing and use fresh gloves to transport your merchandise.
  3. Pick up your item.*
    Call us from your car when you come. We will place your bag on the table out front and wave to you. Delivery may be available in a limited area on larger purchases for those who are homebound. Call us to inquire.

We Have These Items in Stock:
• Catholic Bibles
• Sunday & Daily Missals
• Catholic Books
• Devotionals
• DVDs & CDs
• Rosaries & Chaplets
• Holy Cards
• Baptism Gifts
• 1st Holy Communion Gifts
• Wedding Gifts
• Confirmation Gifts
• Catholic Greeting Cards
• Framed Prints
• Statues & Plaques
• Wall Crucifixes
• Holy Water Fonts
• Outdoor Statues
• Miraculous Medals
• Saint Medals & Crucifixes
• Bracelets & Necklaces
• Chapel Veils & Scarves
• Coffees & Teas
• Candy & Chocolates
• Lourdes Water Soaps & Lotions
• Children’s Books
• Catholic Toys & Games


Our Lady's Center Blue Glove Special:
20% off in-stock items
50% OFF Blue Dot clearance items

Please no returns or exchanges at this time. A few items excluded.
Excludes previously ordered and purchased items. Call for details.
Expires 04/30/2020
Begin NOW (March 30th) for consecration on May 1st.
33 Day Preparation for the Consecration to St. Joseph 
If you have not yet completed the 33 Day preparation for Consecration to St. Joseph, please consider beginning the consecration soon to your Spiritual Father, the patron of fathers, families, the universal Church and the Terror of Demons. He is also the Patron of a Happy Death, as he presumably died in the arms of Jesus and Mary.  Fr. Don Calloway, MIC, is asking that even those who completed the consecration already do so again (just the daily readings, not supplemental) and reconsecrate on May 1st. OLC still has his books in stock.

Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence for those who complete the consecration and the other necessary actions. Read about it HERE.
Catch up on your Catholic classics and new releases! 
What better time to learn about your Catholic faith, deepen your spirituality, discover new saints, or find comfort and repose from the worries and fears with which we are being confronted? Call to find out what we have in stock or to get excellent recommendations!
Our store is loaded with wonderful religious books and articles to help you pass this season in prayer and hope. Rest assured that everything is being kept spotless and with meticulous care with the least possible amount of handling you will find anywhere. No one is admitted inside except the manager, and no new deliveries are being accepted.
Got Holy Water?
Holy water from our chapel tank has been carefully bottled and is now available for those who have none in their homes. Holy water is blessed in a rite during Mass, and the priest prays that the water should become a sacramental, the use of which might, among other things,  protect the faithful from illness, especially infectious diseases. Learn more  HERE. Everyone should keep some holy water in their home and on their person, if possible. Let us know if you need some and we'll bring some out to you. 
Got Divine Mercy?
The Israelites were instructed to seal their doorposts with the Blood of the Lamb. According to Fr. Chris Alar, MIC, the image of the Divine Mercy, with the rays of red and white symbolizing the blood of the Lamb and the waters of Baptism, and with the words, "Jesus, I Trust in You." should be displayed on every front door as a witness to our faith in Christ and His protection. Read more HERE. We have all sorts of Divine Mercy items in stock. Remember that great day of Mercy is the first Sunday after Easter.
SO many books in stock, including children's books, coloring books and activity books. What better time to instill a love for our beautiful Church, for Christ, the Blessed Mother and the all the saints?
One day, First Holy Communions will be rescheduled. Be ready with your gifts for that most special day! And may the most precious reception of the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament never be taken for granted again.
Immaculate Waters Soaps and Lotions are back in stock, all made with pure Lourdes Water! Lavender and Rose scents. Also Bath Bombs (not pictured). We may not be able to visit the healing waters of Lourdes, France at this time, but you can still get some in these products.
Easter will come, pandemic or not. The famous OLC Candy Cart is loaded again for Easter, and all the boxes were packed and sealed in easily to sterilize plastic by cloistered nuns before any of the current events unfolded. The perfect gift to deliver to a loved one's front door with a wave of love.
A Successful Spring Clean-up Day
We are very grateful for those who came out to assist us in beautifying the chapel and grounds of OLC on a recent Saturday. Everyone seemed relieved to be out of the house for a bit and active, illustrated by the sense of joy that permeated the day. All were careful to stay appropriately separated and worked individually inside and out. Our tree company, Cain Landscaping, owned by Mickey and Sarah Cain, provided us with a  truck, trailer, a worker Melvin, and many gas operated tools to use. Outside, a massive amount of dead wood was cut and hauled, along with bags of garbage from the hillside which blew down from the car dealership over the winter. The potholes which had recently developed in our lane were also filled. Team leader Lou Meyer was assisted by President of the Board Jack K., Jerry M., Kevin M., Nicholas, Board member Carl K., and Frank C. Inside, the chapel windows were washed, the pews were polished, and the brass was buffed. Chapel team leader Denise P. was assisted by Grace K., Claudia C. and Terri M.  Thank you to all for your joyful service. Whenever it may be that we may begin holding services and activities inside the Center, we will be ready. The grounds remain open, and people are enjoying the fruits of our helpers' labors as they come to pray at the Grotto and walk the newly restored outdoor Stations of the Cross.
Turn to the Blessed Mother!
The word corona means crown. The virus is named such due to it's structure. Let us remind ourselves, however, that Our Lady is crowned Queen of Heaven and that no pestilence has jurisdiction where Our Lady, our Immaculate Mother Mary, reigns supreme. Therefore, have no fear. Rest in her Immaculate Heart. All shall be well.

We have all been asked to pray the prayer below as a nine-day Novena to end the virus.
3 Ways to Continue to Support Our Lady's Center
Through the last 46 years, countless patrons have paid it forward to help this little family apostolate grow and thrive, ensuring that countless lives and hearts would be touched by the gentle hand of Mary through our efforts. If you are so moved, please consider helping us continue this beautiful legacy which is needed perhaps now more than ever. Help us continue our mission to bring people to Christ through Mary. We are registered 501 (c)3 non-profit. Thank you, and God bless you!
1) Make a donation through PAYPAL anytime.

2) Choose Our Lady’s Center as your charitable organization when shopping for anything we don't carry. Go to
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/charity/homepage.html. Amazon smile is the same as Amazon, same products, prices, service, but with the additional benefit that a percentage of what you buy goes to OLC. Every little bit helps!

3) Call us and set up an electronic donation payment plan.

A Message of Comfort, Clarity and Confidence!
Finally, we'd like to share with you a beautiful message written by Joan Carol Kane, Co-Leader, along with Ada Vergne, of the Flame of Love Cenacles which normally meet at Our Lady’s Center three times a week.

Dear God,
We have the idea!
You want us to REALLY show we care for You and our neighbors. You want us to have the experience of being vulnerable - to separation, to sickness, to the possibility of impending death - our own or that of a loved one.

Our nation possibly could have had an idea that COVID19 (or other biological event) was coming - and it could have at least made some preparation, such as by building up an inventory for PPEs, respirators, and the like. But it didn’t.

Americans could have been more compulsive about the importance of washing hands, sneezing and coughing into a tissue or sleeve, and we could have set this practice as a “must” for our families and especially our children. But many didn’t.

Most importantly, we could have been living a righteous life in which we were practicing love for God and neighbor. But many were not.
We just were not prepared for such an enemy - an enemy which attacks us spiritually, physically, financially, and emotionally.

We can’t do anything about what we did or did not do before COVID 19, but we can do something now. We can build an army of people who have all the requisites needed to defeat the enemy - you and me!

We can participate in Masses, the most important prayer of the Church, the prayer Jesus gave us the night before He died. We can participate via television, i-phones, and/or computers.

We can go to Communion (think about that!) - a spiritual one - but one in which we are in true COMMUNION with our Lord and Savior. And by receiving Communion, we continue to receive an influx of much needed graces for ourselves, our loved ones, our church, and our world. All of us then are fortified for whatever is our journey ahead, and we can spread the joy of the gospel - the joy of having Christ come into our souls! - to all with whom we interact.

We might not be able to meet in each other’s physical presence, but we can pray the same prayer at the same time with minimal effort. And we can add our prayers to those said by all, and especially by Secular Franciscans. By praying, each of us is blessed. By praying with others, each of us is more deeply blessed!

Pope Francis has offered us the treasure of receiving a plenary indulgence - just by praying with him (this is on the Vatican website) and saying a rosary or chaplet, adoring the Blessed Sacrament, saying the stations, and/or saying the creed and Our Father. When doing so, we need to make the intention that of “ imploring God to end the pandemic, give relief to suffering, and eternal salvation to the dead.” Pope Francis is trying to save ALL God’s people. Is his intervention not the greatest of all blessings?!

How many times have we read or “heard” about Eucharistic miracles, and miracles accomplished via the intercession of Mary by saying and meditating on her rosary? Mary and Jesus have stopped plagues and wars throughout the centuries, achieving a victory when the odds were highly in favor of the enemy. They did it then, and they want to do it now!

We have been given so much, and have so many options and opportunities to strengthen the Church. Will this tragic time be the time that our trust and faith will shine or falter? Will these be the days which rid our world of the indifference towards faith in the Lord? Will this be the time that we take stock of our lives and figure out that it is in this earthly life that we are to save souls - others and our own. Could the society and world find again its moral compass? Let’s hope so.

When we turn to God, we feel His presence, His love, His strength, and His never-ending forgiveness and mercy. He will NEVER abandon us.

As the apostles learned when they were facing a dangerous storm in their little boat, we have no need to fear, for Jesus is with us “ in our boat” and everywhere. He will always intercede to help us. His cross has already triumphed, and we need only raise up the Cross to shed its light on our way through this, and any, difficult and uncertain times.

Yes, we hear You Lord. We’ve got the idea! You have our attention. You have our hearts, our souls, every thought, every prayer, every act of service … So let’s go forth confidently, for there is nothing we cannot face together with You!

“My adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together,
May our hands gather in unity,
May our hearts beat in unison,
May our souls be in harmony,
May our thoughts be as one.
May our ears listen to the silence together,
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other,
May our lips pray together, to gain mercy from the Eternal Father.

Wishing each and all, peace and joy in the Lord! Let’s spread the word!

Joan OFS

Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine

3301 Rogers Ave

Ellicott City, MD 21043

(410) 461-5066

Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine is a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic lay apostolate within the Archdiocese of Baltimore located outside of Baltimore, Maryland in Ellicott City. We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and confessions upstairs in our chapel each weekday and on first Saturdays. Downstairs in our beautiful store, we carry a large selection of Catholic books and religious articles to meet every need. We have many monthly events and activities.