December is dedicated to Advent. While the secular world rushes ahead in festivities and activities often entirely devoid of their primary purpose, we are called to wait, pray, and prepare ourselves to welcome the Christ Child into our hearts. More HERE.
O come, O come, Emmanuel and ransom captive Israel that mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appears. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.
December 2017 • News & Events
Come Christmas Shop at OLC! Where else can you purchase beautiful, holy and edifying gifts and then have them blessed and ready to present to your loved ones? Our priests will come down to the bookstore and bless purchased items after Mass and Confessions.
First Saturday Mass & Devotions
Saturday, December 2nd, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Along with First Saturday Mass and devotions, which Our Lady at Fatima requested we observe, OLC has been hosting a brief presentation by a local ministry each month of this year as a way of highlighting opportunities for service in our community. Our final presentation will be made by Pam Simonson of the Volunteer Center of Howard County a ministry which for 15 years has served as a database bringing volunteers and organizations together and providing opportunities for serving in Howard County. Come hear about all that is available!
St. Nicholas is Coming!
Wednesday, December 6th, 10:30 am
Bring the kids and share the news! St. Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, will once again be visiting Our Lady's Center on his feast day to tell the children all about his love for the Lord and the joy of giving. Children can pose with St. Nick for a photo, color Christmas pictures, enjoy some Christmas cookies, and leave their shoes under the Christmas tree for a surprise. Last year was another huge success as dozens of children visited on the Feast of St. Nicholas. We will begin at 10:30 am sharp in the chapel.
Holy Day - the Feast of the
Immaculate Conception
Friday, December 8th, 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm Masses
Come to Mass at a Marian Shrine to honor Our Blessed Mother on the day celebrating the moment she was conceived without sin in her mother's womb in preparation for her becoming the Arc of the New Covenant. Come fulfill your observance of this holy day of obligation with us.
Children's Storytime & Craft
Wednesday, December 13th, 10:30 am
The final Children's Storytime of the year will feature two adorable Christmas books: "The Ten Christmas Sheep" and "The Friendly Beasts." A craft and snack will be provided. Give us an RSVP if possible so we are sure to have enough (but if plans open up at the last minute, feel free to drop in).
You Are Invited to our Annual Christmas Party!
Tuesday, December 19th, 1:00 pm
Each and every one of you, our beloved patrons and supporters, are invited to our Annual Christmas Basket Raffle & Pot Luck. Mark your calendar now, and think about a dish to bring and share. You can enter to win one of several fantastic raffles worth hundreds of dollars! Many wonderful items, gift certificates, and gift cards are being generously donated by area businesses and friends of OLC so that we could say thank you to our fantastic patrons! Have something to donate for our Basket Raffles? Bring it by now! If you run a business, it is an excellent way to promote it while sharing the joy!
The Saints Came Marching In!
All Saints Day at Our Lady's Center was wonderfully well attended. We had some very sweet young saints attend, including St. Clare, St. Patrick, St. Francis, and even one or two of St. Francis' furry little animal friends! We were so thankful that a new priest, Fr. Kenneth could fill in on short notice. We are delighted that Fr. Kenneth will actually be helping us out all through December while a couple of our regular priests are out of the country. The Lord does provide!
OLC Welcomes the Legendary Fr. Frank Pavone!
Our Lady's Center was honored to welcome National Priests for Life Director, Fr. Frank Pavone. Fr. Frank, who also serves as pastoral director for Rachel's Vineyard and Silent No More, bringing hope and healing to those affected by the abortion industry, spoke to an enthusiastic group of patrons and supporters. Fr. Pavone's talk which he said he was giving under the mantle of Our Lady, was live streamed over the internet, and you can view it HERE! Currently it has been viewed over 23,000 times. Many of our patrons were able to ask Fr. Pavone questions after the talk and to further socialize and get photos with him in the conference room. Fr. Frank enjoyed the delicious full sheet cake we presented in his honor. Manager Christine's mother, Sylvia James George capped off an exciting month of her own by meeting her hero in person after supporting and praying for him for so many years.
Our Veterans Honored & Blessed at Military Mass
Veterans of the United States Armed Forces and those who have family members who have served were invited to a Military Mass celebrated by our own Msgr. Joseph Lizor, a retired Army Chaplain. Veterans were invited to stand, provide their name, rank and military occupation specialty. Quite a few veterans were in attendance, including President of the Board Jack Kissane (who provided his Marine memorabilia), servers Dave Fodel, Bob Pallace, and Ed Frankovich, and many male and female patrons. Msgr. Lizor invoked a special blessing upon our veterans, and the bookstore gave a nice discount just for them. Our Lady's Center will always remain eternally grateful to those who have fought for our freedoms, most especially our Freedom of Religion. May we never take it for granted.
"Jesus, you said, ‘There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.’ We pray for those men and women who have, in their military service, sacrificed their time, strength, ambition, health and even their lives on this earth to benefit ‘friends,’ known and unknown....We honor our veterans in your name. We thank you – as we thank them – for their sacrifice...We ask that you would give our veterans a peace beyond the peace they fought to secure, a peace in their own hearts, wrapped in the joy of a life touched by your strong hand." Full prayer HERE
Resurrection Craft Fair OLC Raffle Winner
Our Lady's Center loves participating in the Church of the Resurrection Craft Fair and Bake Sale and seeing so many of our neighbors and patrons, many of whom entered our drawing. Carol Beall is the winner of a lovely Our Lady of Fatima Statue.
Spread the "Word"!
Tell your friends about OLC. They can sign up for the newsletter HERE
Like us on Facebook for the most up to date info!
December Special Dates
Saturday, December 2nd:
First Saturday Mass
& Devotions, 10:30 am
Wednesday, December 6th
St. Nicholas Comes to OLC, 10:30 am
Friday, December 8th:
Feast of the Immaculate Conception,
Holy Day of Obligation
Mass at 12:00 Noon & 7:30 pm
Tuesday, December 19th:
OLC Christmas Pot Luck Party
and Basket Raffle, 1:00
Wednesday, November 15th:
Children's Storytime & Craft, 10:30 am
Monday & Tuesday, December 25th & 26th:
Center CLOSED for Christmas
Monday, January 1st:
OLC CLOSED for New Years Day
Ongoing at OLC:
Flame of Love Prayer Cenacles
(choose one day/time per week)
Tues. 10:00 am, Thurs. 10:00 am,
OR Thurs. 3:00 pm
Legion of Mary:
Our Lady, Undoer of Knots Praesidium
Fridays 5:30
December Special Feasts
3 - First Sunday of Advent
6 - St. Nicholas
7 - St. Ambrose
8 - Immaculate Conception
9 - St. Juan Diego
10 - 2nd Sunday of Lent
11 - Queen of Angels
12 - Our Lady of Guadalupe
13 - St. Lucy
14 - St. John of the Cross
17 - 3rd Sunday of Advent
22 - St. Francis Xavier Cabrini
24 - 4th Sunday of Advent; Vigil of
25 - Nativity of the Lord
26 - St. Stephen
26 - Feast of Christ the King
27 - St. John
28 - Holy Innocents
29 - St. Thomas Becket
31 - Holy Family
*We are a non-profit. All sales go towards supporting the Shrine!
So many beautiful Christmas statues and ornaments to choose from
like this New "Sleeping Holy Family.'
So many sweet and wondrous children's Christmas stories!
A beautiful new CD from the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist!
The Chants of Christmas
by the Gloria Dei Cantores Schola
Just mention you saw this offer in the
December OLC Newsletter!
15% OFF
One Advent or Christmas Item
Must mention coupon at time of purchase. Valid on one regularly priced item only.
Not valid on previously purchased items and cannot be combined with other coupons.
Limit one No-Clip discount per visit, please.
Expires 12/31/2017 |
Can't Get to our Store?
Our homebound and out-of-town patrons have found shopping at our online store convenient and helpful. We carry a variety of medals, crucifixes, and rosaries there for your convenience. You can shop anytime and choose to have your items shipped either to your home address or to anywhere you need them sent. We thank you for supporting OLC and appreciate any and all patronage as the proceeds of all sales go toward supporting our unique apostolate. Click here to visit now:
So far so good this winter. Remembering not too long ago when the grotto looked like this! Hopefully the winter weather will hold off until we can find a willing volunteer with a sturdy plow.
Store Hours
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm* Friday: 10:00 am - 7:30 pm* First Saturday: 10:00 am -10:30 am; 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm *Please note that the store is always closed during the noon Mass |
Chapel Hours:
Holy Sacrifice
of the Mass
Monday-Friday: 12:00pm
Friday night: 7:30 pm
1st Saturdays: 10:30 am
Monday-Friday: 11:30 am
Following all Masses
Friday: 12:30 - 7:30 pm
Friday Night Devotions
Holy Mass: 7:30 pm
Followed by: Confessions, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction
Our Lady's Center Marian Shrine is a 501(c)3 non-profit Catholic lay apostolate within the Archdiocese of Baltimore located outside of Baltimore, Maryland in Ellicott City. We offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and confessions upstairs in our chapel each weekday and on first Saturdays. Downstairs in our beautiful store, we carry a large selection of Catholic books and religious articles to meet every need. We have many monthly events and activities. |