Hummer numbers continue to grow as post-breeding dispersal and early migration is ramping up. Ruby-throats need to fatten up, often doubling their weight to make the long trek, and our feeders make great fuel stops.
That's why late July through early September is always our busiest season. Now is the time to really enjoy these tiny jewels zipping and chasing around your yard!
Let us show you our favorite hummingbird feeders (you can never have too many,) help you fight wasps and ants, and keep everything clean. Saucer-style feeders like this Hummer High Rise above don't drip or leak, and are super easy to refill and clean.
Using suction cup window hummingbird feeders or small feeders like this HummBlossom (above) hung on a window bracket is a great way to see hummers up close and personal.
Whether you mix your own nectar (four parts warm water to one part white sugar,) or use Cole's Nature's Garden, make sure to change it at least twice weekly when temperatures reach 80F. And never use red dyes or non-white sugars, which can be harmful.
Spread the word, our annual Hummingbird Sale runs now through Sunday, August 11th. All hummingbird merchandise is ON SALE--hummingbird feeders, accessories and nectar, along with gifts, home and garden, fashion, hardware and more. Save 20% on anything with a hummer on it, including markdowns!
All Cole's Wild Bird Products (seed, dried mealworms, suet kibbles, etc.) will be 15% off! Merchandise can vary at each store location.
Monteen with HawkTalk, Inc. will be coming to our Roswell store at 900 Mansell Rd. on Saturday, August 10th from 12 until 4pm. She will be bringing Fiona, a Tawny Owl, and her new owl, Puck! He is a Northern White-faced Owl, and we can’t wait to meet him!
For a $10 mouse money donation, you can hold either owl!